We are in Quartszite, Arizona now. Quartzsite is 125 miles from Phoenix, west on Highway 10. It is a town where people camp in the desert and is now a service town to all the people who come to camp, search for rocks and escape winter. I had a vision of a quaint little town but it has a McDonald's so you can imagine how quaint it is. It does have a few interesting places though. The book store is one such place.
This store has a really large selection of old books and magazines. The drawing card is the owner though. He walks about , naked from the waist down except for a ..... tea cozy - I guess you would call it- over his private parts. (OK Now none of you will ever be able to look at a tea cozy in the same way again. Sorry.) He is skinny as a rail and it is quite a sight. People were having their picture taken with him. I think he is one of the few things left of the old Quartzite.
We drove around the area and saw some people dry (no services) camping in the desert. Some areas seemed OK but since it is the off -season it seemed a bit lonely. I am sure that all the Americans had fire arms so I suppose that they worry less. One area was quite flat but another was near the mountains (hills) and was more picturesque but more difficult to find places to park.
Here is the area where people camp for up to 2 weeks that is just to the west of Quartzsite.
We opted to camp at a place in town, fairly primitive but it has good wifi!! We missed the high season which ended in January with a huge swap meet, RV show and a rock show (that would be the hard natural rock, not music), among other things. Thousands come for that. A bit of the swap meet is left so we had a walk through but it had merchandise like the one we saw on Mesa.
Tomorrow we are off to Yuma.
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