Friday, February 17, 2012

Copper Mine II

I can upload pictures today.  Hallellujah!

Here you can see a few more of the "stairs".

You can see a little of the natural vegetation in the foreground.  The soil doesn't support much.

Here is a bit more of the ground showing.  This is up the valley to the east.

I wonder how they complain about the oilsands when they do this. (Dalton thinks the mining area was about 20 miles long.)  This is apparently one of several mines in the area. I think one is underground though.

The man we met said that if they find a crystal or gem pocket they usually just wreck it because it is too time-consuming and expensive to bother saving.  If any crystals are saved, it is usualy because a worker puts it in his picket.  The company apparently doesn't mind if they do this if they don't interfere with production.

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